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running fire 連續跑火。

running frequency

At seven oclock in the morning an escort of french soldiers in marching order , in shakoes , with guns , knapsacks , and huge sacks , stood before the sheds and a running fire of eager french talk , interspersed with oaths , was kept up all along the line 七日晨七時,在棚屋前面站著一列全副行軍裝束頭戴高筒軍帽荷槍實彈身背背包和大口袋的押送隊伍,整個隊伍喧鬧著,可以聽到從各排中發出的法國式的咒罵聲。

Straight fighting : when you fight with the opposing party , you take the principle of “ straight fighting without blocking “ , through cutting , beating , slaming and a running fire , and then arrive at the vitals of body 少林硬打硬進法,是我與對方交手時,采取“硬打硬進無遮攔,硬接硬進不跨閃”的原則,向對方發動猛力攻勢,利用削截、架打、猛攻、連發等手段,直搗黃龍,一舉獲勝。

They have a worth - so i have always believed ; and if i cannot believe it now , it is because i am insane - quite insane : with my veins running fire , and my heart beating faster than i can count its throbs 它們是有價值的一我向來是這么相信的。如果我此刻不信,那是因為我瘋了瘋得可厲害啦,我的血管里燃燒著火,我的心跳快得難以計數。

On 11 minutes came the game ' s first save ? drogba on the run firing from a tight angle , sorensen fisting the ball behind 第十一分鐘出現了本場比賽的第一次撲救? ?德羅巴小角度射門,所倫森將球擊出底線。

Mr . and mrs . vance kept up a running fire of interruptions , and these impressive things by ames came at odd moments 萬斯夫婦不停地插話,艾姆斯只能斷斷續續地談些這類難忘的事情。

After his speech , the candidate for election had to deal with a running fire of questions 候選人作完演說后,不得不應付一連串的發問。

The police kept up a running fire of questions during their interrogation of the suspect 警方在審問嫌疑犯時提出了一連串的問題。

The police kept up a running fire of questions during their interrogation of the suspect . 警方審問嫌疑犯時提出了一連串的問題。